General Information
The Kensington Manor pool is open to residents and their guests from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., from Memorial Day weekend to Labor day.
The pool is located at 9901 W 123rd Street on the south side of 123rd between Farley and Wedd. The phone number for the pool is 913-897-9864.
Residents can schedule parties at the pool by contacting the Pool VP.
The pool is located at 9901 W 123rd Street on the south side of 123rd between Farley and Wedd. The phone number for the pool is 913-897-9864.
Residents can schedule parties at the pool by contacting the Pool VP.
Guidelines, Rules, and Regulations
- Use: Pools are for the enjoyment of Kensington Manor Residents and their guests.
- Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day
- Attendants: Pool attendants are responsible for maintaining the pool and equipment as well as enforcing all rules and regulations. Residents and their guests are expected to obey pool attendant instructions.
- Lifeguards: No Lifeguard on duty. Pool attendants are not considered lifeguards.
- Access: A pool key is required for pool entry. You will not be allowed access to the pools without your key (it is your verification that you are a Kensington Manor resident). No exceptions please!
Replacement keys can be obtained at a cost of $15 each from the current Pool VP. - Supervision: No children under Age 12 allowed without adult supervision. Children under age 12 must be supervised by their parent or an adult guardian (18 years or older). Parents are responsible & liable for the actions of their children.
- Guests: All guests must be accompanied by their Kensington homeowner host(s) at all times. Please limit guest visits to five times per year to avoid overcrowding.
- Attire: Swim suits are required. Infants and toddlers must wear plastic pants and/or swim diapers to avoid leaks and prevent costly contaminations.
- Cleanup: Residents and their guests are expected to leave the pool area in an orderly condition and each person is responsible for his/her own cleanup. Trash receptacles are provided.
- Parties: Parties may be held at the pool for no charge and all pool regulations apply. To prevent conflicts, you must schedule your time with the Pool VP. For children’s parties, a minimum ratio of 1 parent to every 5 children is required. Each party is responsible for trash pickup and removal.
- Gates: Gates must be closed at all times to protect you and your children. Never leave a gate propped open.
- Diving: Diving is prohibited and serious injury could occur. Kensington pools are not designed for diving and signs are posted NO DIVING.
- Baby Pool: The baby pool is for supervised toddler use only. Children playing in the baby pool should be age 4 or under and must be supervised by their parent or an adult guardian (18 years or older). No children of any age are allowed in the baby pool without an adult (18 years or older) present in the baby pool area.
- Floatation: Large flotation devices, such as air mattresses, inner tubes, and rafts create a safety hazard for other swimmers and are prohibited. Personal devices for small children are allowed.
- Pets: Pets inside the pool area fence are prohibited, unless approved for a special occasion.
- Glass: All glass ware is prohibited due to safety concerns and cleanup costs.
- Alcohol: All alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- Tanning Oil: Tanning oil is prohibited.
- Games: Frisbees, hardballs, water balloons, and other similar games are prohibited.
- Running: Running and rough housing is prohibited.
- Closing: Anyone entering the pool area after closing, except for authorized personnel, is trespassing and will be arrested.
- Violations: Published and posted rules must be followed. Violators will be restricted from pool use by the authority of the Kensington Manor Homeowners Association Board.